2024 "Fall Classic"
Men's Member-Guest Tournament
Tournament Rules/Format
1. Flights will consist of 6 two-man teams.
2. All play will be from the Blue/White Combo Tee markers, unless an individual qualifies to play from the White or White/Gold Combo Tees. (White Tees - Must be 60 years of age or older, and the adjusted handicap plus the player's age must equal at least 75. White/Gold Combo Tees - Must be 65 years of age or older, and the adjusted handicap plus the player's age must equal at least 80). Note: If you qualify for the White or White/Gold Combo Tees, you MUST decide if you are playing these tees before Thursday's Match 1. This will be your tee location for the remainder of the tournament.
3. Flights will be determined by total team handicaps. NOTE: The player’s lowest Handicap Index (September 2, 2023 - September 2, 2024) will be used for the handicap calculation.
4. Rounds will be played at 85% of handicap with a maximum of 18 strokes awarded per nine-holes.
5. 10 Stroke Maximum Handicap Differential allowed (i.e. If you are a 2 Handicap and your partner is a 20 Handicap – your partner would play as a 12 Handicap.)
6.Teams will play every team in their flight in a nine-hole match using a net better ball format.
7. Match handicap strokes will be calculated off the lowest player handicap index in the foursome (½ shots will be used). Note: some players may have the same 18-hole handicap may have different 9-hole handicaps due to the different indexes and course ratings for each 9-hole match.
8. Points will be awarded as follows:
• Team winning a hole will get 1 point.
• Team tying a hole will get ½ point.
• Team losing a hole will get 0 points.
9. There are a total of 9 points available for each match.
10. If a team's playing partner is unable to able to play during a match their playing opponents will play against par.
11. Flight winners will be determined by total points won during the 5 matches.
12. Points earned will break ties for flight winners from the head-to-head match involving the two tied teams.
13. In the case of a tie in the above-mentioned match, the winners will be determined by a closest to the pin chip-off.
14. In the case of multiple ties within a flight, the total number of points from the head-to-head matches involving the tied teams will determine the winner.
15. 2 Wild Card Teams will be determined by the highest points earned from Matches 3-5 and will come from Flights 1-12. Note: Only one Wild Card Team from any particular Flight may advance to the Shoot-Out.
16. In case of a tie in the above-mentioned wild card, winners will be determined by the closest to the pin chip-off.
(Note: All closest to the pin chip-offs MUST be on the green to have a chance to advance. If no shots are on the green, the format will be repeated.)
Championship Shoot-Out Format
The Championship Shoot-Out will consist of the twelve Flight Winners and two Wild Card Teams.
Format: Fourteen teams will start on Hole #10 playing true alternate shot.
Teams with a net par or better will advance to Hole #17.
(NOTE: The tournament winner could potentially come from the 1st Shoot-Out Hole, if there is only one team with a score of net par or better.)
*Depending on how many teams are eligible to play the second Shoot-Out Hole, the elimination process may be altered by the Committee & Professional Staff at that time.
Note: If/When the Shoot-Out continues on Hole #17, (if a team has a Hole-In-One on #17, that is not tied by another Hole-in-One) that team will win the Shoot-Out and declared the Overall Fall Classic Champion. 2nd and 3rd will be decided by a closest-to-the-pin from 100 yards. Both partners will have an opportunity to hit the 100 yard shot.
Low score on Hole 17 will determine the Overall Fall Classic Champion. If there is a tie for the lowest score on the 2nd playoff hole, then Hole #17 will be played again and the lowest score will determine the winner. If there is still a tie, after Hole #17 again, then ties will be settled by a “closest to the hole” from a 100 yard shot on Hole #17. Both partners will have an opportunity to hit the 100 yard shot. Note: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place must be determined at the end of the Shoot-Out.
In the event that either competitor (member or guest) is not able to participate in the Shoot-Out, that team will forfeit their spot in the Shoot-Out. No partner substitutions will be permitted for the Alternate Shot format.
Shoot-Out Handicaps:
Alternate Shot
80% Team Handicap will be used during the Shoot-Out.
Play will be from the Blue/White Combo Tees.
Note: Any players eligible for the Senior Tee (White or White/Gold Combo Tees), will be allowed to play from these Tees during the Shoot Out.
(Note: The committee may alter the format as necessary for weather, time, etc.)